Mathematics - What does KS3 Level 3 mean?  

Level 3 means that I can…


·       Say what each digit stands for in numbers like 725 and 1974

·       Use decimals in money questions

·       Use negative numbers to describe temperature

·       Remember addition facts up to 20

·       Add and take numbers like 18 and 37 in my head

·       Add numbers like 184 and 359 on paper

·       Know my 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 times tables

·       Draw pictures to represent fractions

·       Know when two fractions are equivalent


·       Find symmetry in 2D shapes

·       Sort 2D and 3D shapes using their properties

·       Measure things using units like centimetres, litres and minutes


·       Find information in tables and lists

·       Draw bar charts

·       Draw pictograms

·       Interpret simple charts and graphs

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