Mathematics - What does KS3 Level 4 mean?  

Level 4 means that I can…


·       Describe number patterns

·       Find multiples

·       Find factors

·       Work out the square numbers

·       Use word formulae

·       Use co-ordinates in the first quadrant

·       Multiply and divide whole numbers by 10 and 100

·       Say my tables up to 10 x 10

·       Add and subtract numbers like 13.64 and 48.95

·       Write decimal numbers in the correct order

·       Check my own answers


·       Make 3D models

·       Draw 2D shapes

·       Find perimeters of shapes

·       Find the area by counting squares


·       Draw line graphs

·       Present data clearly

·       Read simple pie charts

·       Draw frequency tables

·       Find the mode

·       Find the range


·       Try ideas of my own

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