Mathematics - What does KS3 Level 7 mean?  

Level 7 means that I can…


·       Round to one significant figure

·       Understand what happens when we multiply or divide by numbers between 0 and 1

·       Multiply and divide numbers of any size

·       Understand proportional change

·       Describe in symbols the rule for the next term or nth term in a quadratic sequence

·       Multiply things like (a+b)(c+d)

·       Simplify quadratic expressions

·       Solve simultaneous linear equations with two variables using graphs or algebra

·       Solve inequalities


·       Understand and use Pythagoras’ Theorem in 2D

·       Calculate lengths, areas and volumes in right prisms

·       Enlarge a shape by a fractional scale factor

·       Understand similarity

·       Draw the locus of a moving object

·       Find and understand upper and lower bounds

·       Use compound measures like speed, distance, time


·       Give and test a  hypothesis to a situation

·       Understand bias

·       Find the modal class and an estimate for the mean, median and range when using grouped data

·       Compare distributions using frequency polygons

·       Draw a line of best fit on a scatter diagram

·       Understand relative frequency

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